To my ecstatic surprise, last week I received BlakeMakes' latest giveaway in the mail...TCHO Chocolate! It was a surprise not because I didn't know about the giveaway (trust me, I'm borderline stalker when it comes to Blake's giveaways) but because he announced only the first 40 commenters on his blog would receive the chocolate, and I believe I was too late at number 47. Little did I know that number 47 is indeed a lucky number...when Blake decides to give 50 away instead! YES!!!
TCHO is a new company started by Wired magazine co-founder, Mr. Rosetto, and business partner Mr. Childs. They only recently made their chocolate bars available for mail-order delivery and even then the product is limited. But, in this case limited is good. It's good because they are taking their time in perfecting their product. They take feedback seriously, and put each bar to the test.
Eventually they will offer a variety of Fruity and Nutty chocolate bars, but what I received in the mail was a Chocolatey bar (much to my delight!). The dark smooth taste was extremely satisfying and when I shared with my friends they agreed.I could definitely pair this chocolate with a nice glass of wine and be content for the rest of the evening. If you are a dark chocolate lover, or even an advocate of fair trade companies, check out TCHO's website and indulge in a bar of chocolate. You won't be disappointed!