This is the first time I've been tagged in the food blogging world. Kayte from Kayte's Kitchen tagged me this morning, so I thought I'd answer it also this morning.
Today is also the 1-year birthday of my food blog... so I plan on posting my favorite recipes from the last 12 months a little later today, after church.
As for the "tag", here are the rules:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. Share 5 facts about yourself.
3. Tag 5 people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them).
4. Let them know they've been tagged by leaving a comment at their blogs.
My 5 Facts about Me:
1. I've lived in Michigan, Tennessee, and Illinois.
2. I have two sisters. My older sister is two years older, my younger sister is 14 years younger! We are all three very close, though living far apart.
3. I am an employee trainer for Blue Cross and Blue Shield health insurance.
4. I have to leave for church today in about 2 minutes.
5. This entire week I have been craving chocolate brownies!
So those were pretty cheesy, but I'm in a hurry. 🙂
I'll post the 5 people I'm tagging when we get home from church. Gotta run now!
Here are the 5 foodies I tagged:
Enza at Open the Oven
Emiline at Sugar Plum Sweets
Ashley at Sweet Somethings
Rachel at Good Thymes & Good Food
Emily at Rediscovering the Joy of Cooking